Tuesday, July 14, 2009

11th July 2009 - Initiation

I thought that it was a fairly good evening well spent, last Saturday. Our candidate Dr.P.R.Vijay, I call him Madam Vijay (he is a Gynecologist ) was a soft spoken well mannered young man. I suppose being a gynecologist one has to be so. The various portions allotted to brethren were well done. But the D/C should be a little more watchful during the rehearsals to avoid blundering by brethren. Bro. Jayaprakash, the candidates brother in law, (JP has married the candidates sister), who did portion of the ritual was amazing. He most certainly has the brother in law impressed and most of us too. He was so good, to be told that he is also an amateur actor. JP keep up the good work. Banquet was good, but if the time at the festivities were reduced may be we can see a little more discipline at the table. Now a twelve week wait for Bro.Vijay to go up the ladder.

W.Bro.Chandra Mohan