Dear brethren of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ireland of India.
While we make no claim of superiority in numbers, we are proud to be close, compact, coherent and caring group of Freemasons and our relationships inter se are so cordial that they may well be envy of other Constitutions. We are ever ready and willing to comfort the distressed, to soothe their afflictions, and exert our outmost to practise the truly Masonic principles of Benevolence and Brotherly love. It is, therefore, a most apt and timely endeavour to have a Directory of Irish Freemasons in India, which is sure to make an impact on our Brethren and strengthen ties of Brotherly Love, It will assist our Brethren to effectively interact, and play a vital role in promoting their zeal for the principles of Freemasonry--the cardinal principles of Peace, Love, Harmony.
Our Most worshipful Grand master, in his speech of St. John's Day, 27th December 2001, drew our attention to the general trend of failing numbers. Happily, we are in a fortunate position to say that despite deaths, resignations and removals, our numbers have been fairly steady. But if we are to progress, prosper and flourish, we must seek out identify of it and competent and suitable candidates for Freemasonry, and induct them into our Order.
Rt.Worshipful The Provincial Grand Master of The Provincial Grand Lodge of Ireland in India
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India was formed under the leadership of Late R W Bro. William Mason, the then Grand Inspector for Irish Freemasonry in India on 1st May 1956. R W Bro. William Mason was the first Provincial Grand Master of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India, followed by R W Bro. M D Bharucha in 1961 and R W Bro. E G Reporter from 1964 to 1978 and R W Bro. Capt. Sam B Aga. The Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India was reconstituted as the Provincial grand Lodge of Ireland in India on 22nd October 1983 with R W Bro. Capt. Sam B Aga as the first Provincial Grand Master of the reconstituted Provincial Grand Lodge which also incorporated the Provincial Grand Lodge of Eastern India .
The Irish fraternity in India consisted of 27 Lodges. Not many survived. The ravages of time and eventual opting of a few Lodges to join the newly constituted Grand Lodge of India, the total number of Lodges in the Province stabilised to 10, equally distributed between Eastern and Western India. With the Lodges in Eastern India having difficult times, it was decided to relocate them to other Masonic centres. Accordingly, they were relocated at new Delhi, Chennai, Kanpur, Pune and Calicut. It was a prudent move of R W Bro.Capt. Sam B Aga, the provincial Grand Master of the reconstituted Provincial Grand Lodge and R W Bro. C K Maarfatia, the then Provincial Grand Secretary to relocated the stagnant Lodges to better locations where they could, and indeed have, prospered and flourished with the active and dynamic support of the local Brethren.
Lodges in the province
St Patrick's - 3rd Thur 7.00pm, Mumbai
Tara - Last working day in 1,4,7,10, Mumbai
Donoughmore - 4th Thur 6.45pm (ex 5,6,7,12), Poona
Mindin - 3rd Fri 7.00pm (ex 6,7), Chennai
Hely Hutchinson - 1st Fri 1,4,7,10. 1st Sat 2,3,5,6,8,9,11,12. 6.30pm
Harp of Erin - 3rd Thur 6.30pm, Mumbai
The Bombay - 1st Fri 7.00pm, New Delhi
Swastik - 2nd Wed 6.30pm, Bombay
Nowroze Wadia - 2nd Tue 6.30pm (ex 5), Calcutta
Saxena - 2nd Sat 6.30pm (ex 2 & 8) Calicut, Kerala