Wednesday, April 1, 2009

History of Saxena Lodge No 815 IC

The Lodge was warranted on June 2, 1960 and established at Calcutta to preserve the memory of Very Worshipful Brother RAMESWAR DAYAL SAXENA, Honorary Past Grand Deacon of the Grand Lodge of Ireland, Provincial Grand Secretary of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Eastern India, who died on July 21, 1959.The fact that the Lodge was granted its Warrant within a year of his death is suggestive of the high estimation and regard enjoyed by Bro.Saxena amongst his brethren during his lifetime.

The Lodge worked at Calcutta till February 23,1994 and was transferred to Calicut on the advice of the Rt.Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of Ireland in India, Rt.Wor.Bro.Capt.Sam B. Aga.
The first communication of the Lodge at Calicut was held at the Freemasons' Hall, West Hill, Calicut on Tuesday, June 28, 1994 when V.Wor.Bro. Capt.P.R.Datar was Installed as Worshipful Master by the Rt.Wor. the Provincial Grand Master of Ireland in India, Rt.W.Bro.Capt.Sam B.Aga, assisted by V.Wor.Bro.C.K.Marfatia, Provincial Grand Secretary.

The membership of the Lodge at that time was twenty nine,including Bro.Datar and 26 other brethren from Calicut who were Affiliated to the Lodge at its last meeting at Calcutta on February 23, 1994 when V.Wor.Bro.Sitangu Bhusan Chatterjee was in the Chair. The sagacious guidance of Rt.Wor.Bro.Capt.Sam B.Aga, disciplined response by the Brethren of Calcutta, decisive action by the Grand Lodge, the dedication of the Worshipful Master and Brethren at Calicut transformed the Lodge from the moribund to vibrant life. In the nearly 8 years at Calicut we have held 73 Communications under 9 Worshipful Masters, had 14 Initiations and 12 affiliations.

The present strength of the Lodge is 62.

Rt.Wor.Bro.E.F.Smith & Rt.Wor.Bro.S.B.Chaterjee, Past Masters of the Lodge from its Calcutta days and are continuing there membership, were elected as Emeritus Members on 8-12-2001.
This chronicle will not be complete without recording and acknowledging the tremendous, high quality and single minded exertions of V.Wor.Bro. Dr.M.G. Sahadevan, PHG Stwd of Charities, Pro.G Chaplain, who had toiled ceaselessly and passionately to bring the Lodge from Calcutta to Calicut, and once it was in Calicut to nurse and nurture it first as Senior Warden, then Worshipful Master and lastly as Secretary - and above all as a quintessential teacher.

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